
Student org holding up award plaque.


每年UNH的学生, 工作人员, and faculty recognize exceptional students who have distinguished themselves in the areas of growth, 包容性, 领导, and programming by nominating them for one of the University's prestigious student awards. In May the University community gathers to formally acknowledge the outstanding achievements of these award recipients at the annual 学生领导奖.


有一段时间, UNH有四个独立的, 然而,联系, 多样性, equity and inclusion-focused university commissions: The President's Commission on the Status of GLBT Issues, The President's Commission on the Status of People of Color,  The President's Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities, and The President's Commission on the Status of Women. Each commission would seek to further improve inclusion across the university for students, faculty and 工作人员 through various efforts and initiatives. The four commissions have since been unified as The University Commission on 社区, 公平与多样性(UCCED).  的宣传 & Action award represents the unification of these historic recognitions. It celebrates UNH community members who embody our university's 多样性 statement. Those selected for this award have acted as consistent advocates for 多样性, equity and inclusion throughout their time at UNH.

Awarded to that senior who has developed the highest ideals of citizenship during a course of study.

To that senior who is distinguished for most consistent progress and achievement.

A bequest from Frederick Smyth established this fund to support the purchase of books. It is awarded to a student who has shown the highest dedication to their own and their peers’ academic success.

Awarded to the sophomore paying part or all of their way through the University who, shows the greatest promise of outstanding achievement in American citizenship, 领导, 和奖学金.

This award will recognize a student who advocates for 多样性, equity, and inclusion. This student displays courage and conviction in facing issues that challenge injustice and, 通过他们的努力, 对联合国大学产生积极影响.

This award will recognize a specific outstanding community service project or initiative within the local community or beyond coordinated by a recognized student organization.

This award is open to a sophomore or junior student leader who belongs to one of the Student Activity Fee (SAF) 组织. In order to be eligible for the scholarship nominees must have participated in the organization for at least six months, demonstrate strong 领导 qualities, 平均绩点2分.50或以上.

This award will recognize a student that has placed a strong emphasis on 领导 development, 校园的参与, 和/或包含.

This award is for the new student organization that has demonstrated excellence in areas including programming and 领导 during their first two years as a recognized student organization. An organization may not win this award more than once.

This award is for the student organization that has been the premier organization throughout the year.

This award will recognize an outstanding event or program where two or more recognized student organizations have collaborated.

This award will recognize an outstanding marketing achievement or initiative undertaken by a student organization.

This award will recognize the student organization that has shown the most dramatic improvement this past year.

This award will recognize an outstanding program or series of programs put on by a student organization.

This award will recognize a student who has emerged as a strong leader during their first year in the student organization.

This award will recognize a student who has stepped up within their recognized student organization when the org faced challenges, 填补领导力的空缺, 或者走得更远.

This award will recognize one student leader who has been the pinnacle of involvement and 领导 among the community.

This award will recognize student leaders who are respected by the student body and beyond, demonstrating appropriate balance in all areas of college life.

被提名的学生, 但没有被选为, 年度学生干部 are also considered for this award.

This award will recognize a student leader who works successfully behind the scenes.